Knowing The Value Of An Agency Coach And Finding The Right one Is Priceless - Learn Why! - The Third Digital Gold Rush!
I had the honor of interviewing a wonderful brother from another mother, Lee Jackson. He is an Agency coach and runs a couple of agencies in his spare time. He also does some free coaching via his podcast and his Facebook group. one of his main events is the agency transformation live! hear all about it! today we talk about the importance of having a coach - but Making sure it is the right coach!
In this Episode, Lee and I talk about... Dropping The Stigma and Pride And Asking For Help...Knowing the value a coach brings into one's life and discrediting the idea of being weak if asking for advice. Something that I have found is there seems to be a little bit of stigma when asking for guidance. It's almost like if reach out to a coach - you're asking for help - and that is a bad thing. We both talk about having these moments in our careers that made us second guess what we were doing and realize we may not know everything! Hear our stories and the amazing outcomes!
Takeaways From This Episode:
- Embrace Being An Entrepreneur But Get Rid Of The Attitude
- At The End Of The Day, Running A Business Is Running A Business
- You Need More Than A Passion, You Need A Solid Foundation
- Entrepreneurs When Held Accountable - Performance Skyrockets
- Top 3 Things To Look For When Looking For A Coach
- Let's talk about - The Digital Renaissance
Embrace Being An Entrepreneur But Get Rid of The Attitude.

Lee Jackson talks about being in his 20s working for a corporation and having the biggest chip on his shoulder. He had an attitude problem! If someone told him what to do, he was pretty sure he knew better. He couldn't accept being told when he was wrong, and he admits to being wrong many times.
It was bursting out of him but he had to learn to use it wisely. In the first early years, people would come in and say to him,”Lee, you're doing great in business, but there are things you could do to be more efficient”. Then The Great Recession hit! And that was the final push for him to admit defeat or that he needed help! I call that our “rites of passages”. As entrepreneurs, we have this Spirit in us that just is there and we will move mountains, there is no stopping us. If you are a true pure entrepreneur, you don't care how many brick walls there are. It's just a matter of running through them. BUT, sometimes that attitude can be a stumbling block and we have to recognize it.
At The End Of The Day, Running A Business Is Running A Business
Several years ago I had the privilege of attending a three day conference with my mentors. During the conference, I noticed what these really successful CEOs were doing things founded in old school business! I had built my business that way, but I did not lean into it enough. I had focused too much on the digital side. And, I realized that at the end of the day, running a business is running a business, it's the same thing as running a law or CPA firm or whatever. You have your P&L, you have to manage your time, you have to have processes in place to run your business smoothly and successfully. I needed to get some help to truly run a business.
You Need More Than A Passion, You Need A Solid Foundation
The big thing about digital business owners is we have a passion for whatever the thing is that we do best. You are a designer or you're a developer and the temptation is to go all in on that specialty. Then you can be really successful based on your talents and based on the personal brand and the energy that you give off. You are running a business that is ridiculously inefficient, but successful despite itself and then COVID-19 hits! It brings things crashing down around you making you realize that your foundation is not solid! Lee talks about his foundation and how it is absolutely a must when running a business. Learn about accountability rhythms of a company.
Entrepreneurs Need To Be Held Accountable!
For the most part, entrepreneurs do not like people holding them accountable - But when they do have someone holding them accountable - their performance skyrockets. Lee Jackson talks about how much he spends on coaching, why he spends so much and the benefits of having coaches. His coaches keep him accountable in the areas where no one else can.
Top 3 Things To Look For When Looking For A Coach
We talk about actually needing more than one coach. You need the coach who has been in your shoes and can understand and give wise advice. Then you find another coach, who is outside of your industry, the one who will ask you the hard questions that you may have never thought of because you are in the industry. This keeps you grounded. You are going to eventually outgrow those coaches as well.Find somebody who complements your weaknesses or thinks about the personality side of things. Basically, you need a coach for the entrepreneur side of you, for the manager side of you and the employee side of you. Make sure that all those three people inside of me are being coached.

Let's Talk - The Digital Renaissance
Businesses have now realized that the internet is the single most important way of communicating and connecting as a way of doing business. The bricks and mortar finally realize they need to get online agencies in the best space possible. I talk about the Gold Rush. I'm calling it the third digital Gold Rush. There's not a CEO worth their salt on this planet right now that's not using this downtime to dramatically plan out a beef up of their digital infrastructure
Hear Lee Jackson talk about the 1000 year old Pub in his home town making the digital transformation! They have been in business for 1000 years for a reason!!
Now is the time for agency owners to shine. Listen and Learn how.
Learn About & Connect With Our Amazing Speakers/Guest

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Website: https://agencytrailblazer.com/
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