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Being a NYMA Community Member means you are passionate about your Agency!

I understand that passion because I have been there. You have heard the saying "Knowledge is power" and having the right knowledge can lead to Peace and Success. I want to share my experience and knowledge by offering you a free copy of my book.  I am extending this special offer to you because you are a member of this awesome community. The NYMA and I are working together to meet the needs of Agency owners.

Please complete the form below to receive a free digital copy of my book. It is a simple guide to growing, scaling and selling your digital agency. It has the tools and resources that you need to relieve some of the pressure off being an Agency Owner. ( Trust me -I get it - we all need a little help along this road to success)

After filling out the  above Form, Please Complete our free Agency Health & Wellness Exam - This Allows Us to Diagnose the Critical Aspects to get Top Dollar for Your Agency.  

About the Author & Book

Thank you for downloading my Agency Success Roadmap book and taking the first step down your road to success! This book was written to give you a starting point in growing you agency, think of it as the "Tip of the Iceberg". It is a simple guide to get you heading down the right path. When you combine this book with my proven coaching programs you will find the results are life-transforming.

Not everything could be included in this book so for the over 75 tools, templates, workbooks, blogs and much more needed to truly grow your agency please visit:


I’m in business for one purpose - to make your life easier. Growing your agency does not have to be as hard as we make it. My program is designed to give you the resources you need when you need them.

Thanks again and nothing but the best,

Lee Goff

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