The 4 Pillars of a Successful Agency Sales System - Get More Leads Using Pain Points, Close More Deals Using Automation
Having an Automated Agency Sales System that Is guaranteed to close more of your leads would be a game changer. But, in reality, what does that look like and how can that be possible? I mean high ticket buyers do not buy from an email - right? Below are my Four Pillars To A Successful Sales System and a few great tips to help you get started down the path of a streamlined sales system that will generate predictable and reliable sales for your agency.
The Selling Process is no longer just about face to face selling anymore. It has become more technical and involves more strategy, touch points and prospect vetting. Everything from your KPI's, CRM, Marketing Automation, Lead Sources, Sales and of course you must Eliminate Follow Up Failure.
On the page below we outline the four pillars, break down the four pillars into priority points and shot a video explaining why each of the priority points are important components of a successful sales system that predictably and reliably produces sales without everything being tethered to agency leadership.
Pillar #1 - Lead Magnets
For a sales system to be successful it must focus on harvesting as many contact records as possible, distill those records down utlizing a vetting process and of course build long term trust utliziing educational content. Creating lead magnets can take forever, unless you have a process. Testing Call to Actions can also consume a lot of time, unless you have a proven and streamlined process. In Pillar #1 I cover how to convert more of your traffic by leveraging pain points your target audience experiences on a regular basis, how to create those lead magnets quickly for testing purposes and of course how to weed out the tire kickers so you only spend your valuable time with buyers.
Tip #1 - Bringing the Pain In Your Lead Magnets
A lot of agencies make the mistake of creating lead magnets around features. Instead you should create lead magnets to solve one specific problem or pain point that your target audience experiences on a regular basis. Instead of a "click here" for a million dollars, be extremely precise regarding pain points. Remind them of the pain they are experiencing and show them how you can relieve that pain.
Once you have the tagline, sub tagline and value prop/pain point bulleted out, the rest is as simple as putting it into a template or even better a custom designed lead magnet that really sets an amazing first impression. In this video, I talk about the Pain Management Scale and then give examples of bringing on the pain.
Tip #2 - Lead Magnet Quick Creation
Once you have established the pain points of your target audience; Then, you need to create lead magnets FAST, so you can test them and find out if they resonate with your prospects. It is good to have a few different options like quizzes, surveys, lead magnets, Facebook Groups, etc...
Pillar #2 - Lead Harvesting - CTA Management System
The ability to control where, when and how your educational or promotional content will be delivered is critical. Displaying lead magnets that re-inforce the content on the page will increase conversions. Displaying more than one lead magnet using smart CTA's will increase the amount of contact records you harvest on a daily basis, GUARANTEED! At first you throw lead magnets up against the wall, let the market pick the winners and then continue the optimization process, doing this by hand is not possible. You must have an advanced Call to Action Management System in place for ease of deployment and of course critical KPI data.
Tip #1 - Have an Agile CTA Management System
You need to have an agile CTA management system that allows you to deploy, split test, and harvest precise KPI’s on exactly which lead magnets and taglines that not only convert, but lead to high paying projects. Once armed with a system and data like this you can easily optimize your conversions to double and triple your lead flow on your already existing traffic.
Tip #2 - Testing and Targeted Content Increases Conversions
The higher the conversion percentage, the more leads you get. The Rollout of advanced Call to Action Management Systems have become 1000% easier to manage. It is extremely important to get the exact information to the right people, at the right time. In this video, I will take a look at how easy it is to create world class lead magnets and how to integrate them with your CRM. This is a powerful tool that can make your life easier and bring in those all important leads you are currently missing during harvest season.
Tip #3 - Prospect Vetting - Weed Out Tire Kickers
Now that you are harvesting a lot more leads you need a way to vet the tire kickers. Buyers will typically follow similar patterns, these patterns are called “Buyer Identifiers''. You need an effective way to identify buyers who are ready to move now and weed out the window shoppers. I will break down those Identifiers and show you the benefits from leveraging these basic human buying patterns. Understanding these basic patterns is crucial to putting a simple mechanism in place to weed out the tire kickers.
Pillar #3 - Automation And Pipeline Management
Successful agency owners understand the value of never letting a lead fall through the cracks. They also understand the value of their time. By leveraging a healthy mix of automation and the personal touch you can create an experience that is guaranteed to never let another lead fall through the cracks and ensure you only spend your valuable time with hot prospects who are ready make a purchasing decision.
Tip #1 - Hot Or Not?
Now that you are harvesting the 92%, you do not want them to be a time suck, how do you know who is hot and who is not? I will help you be able to distinguish the hot and the not so hot leads.
Tip #2 - Eliminate Follow-Up Failure
One of the biggest responsibilities of any successful sales system is making sure no lead is left behind. It must assure that all leads are followed up. Leads are the lifeblood of any successful business. You must give that life blood the attention it needs and that attention needs to be a healthy mix of automation and personal touch. In this video, I give you a few examples of how to balance automation and the personal touch by gauging the actions they take. We all know personal touch is very important and necessary when closing larger ticket items, but it can be time consuming if not done properly. To keep this from happening I will show you a very simple but effective Pipeline Management System. Now, If you are a real savvy agency you can combine the pipeline management system with a real time KPI dashboard. Combining pipeline management, lead source tracking, CTA management with a real time KPI dashboard will be an absolute game-changer and can give you complete transparency into one of your largest expenses, your customer acquisition cost.
Pillar #4 - Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)
Everyone knows KPI's are critical to be successful, but the time it takes to track down leads, associate revenue back to clients, track sales pipeline stages and so much more. It was very time consuming and difficult to get all of these in place, not to mention the time it takes to keep them maintained. Real Time KPI's, automated lead source tracking and profit dashboards are easy to get in place now, as long as you have the right process in place to harvest all of the data required to easily manage all aspects of your sales systems.
Tip #1 - Real Time KPI's
Having real-time KPI's are an absolute must when it comes to understanding how your sales systems are performing. A KPI Dashboard gives you the information you need when you need it so you can stay ahead of the game. Sadly, so many people do not know Real-Time KPI's exist or how easy they can be to set up. It is truly an advantage that will help you go to the top faster.
Tip #2 - Lead Source Tracking When Using Automation
When using an Automated Sales System you have to build your lead source tracking into the actual campaigns. With a simple tweak in your campaigns you can have precise lead source tracking and it takes seconds to set it up for any campaign.
Everything from lead source tracking to what is working and what is not working. This gives you a closed loop management system where you can actually compete with the big dogs. In the past, this technology was only for the "Big Guy" but now it is available for the small business owner.
Wrap Up
With the appending gold rush on the horizon, your agency needs to make sure its systems are optimized for maximum efficiency. Whether it be your service framework or your sales systems,it is wise to use any downtime you might have to reLOAD your agency.
Having the right Agency Sales System means bringing in more leads and sales for you and your agency. These 4 Pillars if Implemented will help your agency get leads quicker and dramatically simplify your ability to close more sales with less effort.

Who is Lee Goff?
I Am An Entrepreneur Who Grew Up In The Deep South, Raised In Pascagoula, Mississippi By People Who Taught Me To Work Hard And Do What Is Right. I Started My First Agency, GetUWired, In 2003 In My Upstairs Bedroom With Absolutely Nothing. After Growing GetUWired Into A Multi-Million Dollar Agency, Winning 2012 Technology Partner Of The Year, 2013 Infusionsoft Innovator Of The Year, Top Company Culture - Entrepreneur Magazine In 2015, And Infusionsoft Elite Business Of The Year Finalist In 2015, And Many More Accomplishments, I Decided To Step Out And Retire. I Took The Advice Of Jim Collins And The Infusionsoft Leadership And Began Handing Off Leadership Responsibilities, Eventually Leading To My Retirement From The Agency In Early 2014. Then In June Of 2016 I Sold Out The Remaining Shares To My Long Time Partners To Pursue My Passion Of Mentoring other agency owners. Leading, Guiding, Mentoring And Encouraging Other Entrepreneurs Down A Slightly Easier Road Than I Had, Is My higher calling (purpose)!