Brand Positioning is what separates you from your competitors. In this course, I show you how to build value in your brand, make you the only choice as far as your target audience, and increase your pricing by at least 20%. Tune in to find out how to accelerate your brand positioning elements and speed up your time to close sales. Learn the WHO, WHAT, AND WHY of this course below.

Brand Positioning is what separates you from your competitors, it builds value and recognition making you the obvious choice for new clients. IF YOU ARE:
- Any Agency Looking to Put maximum Pull On Their Target Audience.
- Any Agency That Wants to Leverage Influence To Find And satisfy Their Best Clients.
- Owners Looking to Emphasize Trust And The Right Fit for High-Dollar clients.
- Agencies Looking To Cultivate And Retain Those Natural Closings.
WHAT are the BENEFITs?
The benefit of this course is your agency STANDING OUT among the crowd and making it clear to new clients that you are the best choice. YOU WILL:
- Have Honest assessment Of Current brand assets and what is missing.
- meaningful analysis and articulation of the direction you want your brand to go.
- gather your best-case studies and testimonials!
- use the course tools to strengthen your brand positioning.
- Having answers to the nagging questions that regularly popup regarding leads, sales, project management, and more.

Brand Positioning is so important because it helps you differentiate your agency. It defines who you are, and it separates you from your competitors. YOU NEED TO KNOW:
- the best suited leads and clients come with good branding.
- brand positioning is the way to get beyond relying on leads alone and into influence in your niche.
- sales gained by brand positioning strengthens all other systems and agency Processes.
- agencies looking to create a "value based" product line with 4060% profit margins need a clearly defined brand.