How do you untether yourself from the day-to-day operations of your agency? Do you have a trusted leadership team that takes care of day-to-day operations so you can focus on other aspects of your agency? Get your employees marching to the beat of the same drum so they are all motivated to reach the same goal. Put your agency’s core values, core purpose, and mission on the forefront of your tribe’s mind. Learn how to motivate your staff to make the most out of their workweek. Running an agency presents its own unique challenges when it comes to leadership. How do you provide the structure for your talented and highly educated employees while giving them the freedom to remain agile enough to create cutting-edge solutions? The old school, or “ivory tower” leadership structure is rigid and 100% driven by numbers alone, which removes the creative expression required to run a successful agency in today’s millennial driven workforce. Then you have the “free for all” leadership philosophy that allows entirely too much creative expression, which makes the overall productivity of your agency drastically low because no one is held accountable to numbers. This makes scalability and growth become an insurmountable hurdle that most agencies never overcome. So, how do you overcome challenges like these to build an agency that is driven by numbers, scalable, and growth-oriented, all while remaining agile and flexible enough for your employees and vendors to dream up cutting-edge, world-class solutions?

The Ultimate Guide: Agency Hiring

10 Minute Read... Hiring for your agency can be scary, time consuming, and ultimately a big waste of time if you wind up with a deadbeat employee. Sometimes, it just feels…

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To Scale or Not to Scale?

4 Minute Read...I recently met with a new client who is approaching the 100 employee milestone. We got to talking and what we kept coming back to one thing, scaling…

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