250k - 1.5/2 Million in Revenue
Entrepreneur - 4 - 20 Employees - Basic Leadership Structure -Scalability Concerns, Everything Tethered to Leaders, Basic Service Systems, Basic Sales Systems, 1 - 3 Lead Sources, etc...
You Broke Through The Glass Ceiling. You Have A Leadership Team In Place, Solid Deliverable Systems, a dedicated Team of employees And It Is Time To Exponentially Grow Your Agency. You Need Scalable Labor, Employee Manuals, Real Time KPI Dashboards, Accountability Rhythms And The Ability To Dial Up Leads On-Demand. All Of These Require Proven Systems With Primary Touch Points For Management To Review Performances And Make Adjustments. At This Level It Requires Personal Attention From An Experienced Coach That Can Provide Both The Guidance And The proven Systems/Tools You and your team Need To substantially Speed your Growth Up.

Agency Sales System
A 100% DFY Agency Sales Management System that is Guaranteed to Close More of the Leads You are Already Getting!
The Agency Sales System consists of 5 systems built in a way that dramatically simplifies your ability to close a lot more sales from your already existing traffic (in most cases) Included in the system:
- Call-to-Action Management and Deals Management System
- 4 Hours of Training to make sure you completely understand your new sales system
- Lead Harvesting Course, Sales and Marketing Automation Course, Traffic Generation Course
- Marketing Automation Campaigns - Customized Template Emails (3 per lead magnet), Setup & Configuration of call-to-action Management System, 5 Customized Template Lead Magnets
- Access to the Use the Agency Sales System User License - This system was built/configured by Marketing Agency Coach. Marketing Agency Coach retains ownership of all applications being used, we do this to keep the cost lower, speed up the implementation and it allows us to dramatically improve the quality of ongoing support
- Customized KPI Dashboard Set Up and Monthly
- 2 Hours of Agency Coaching - You will get one on one time with Lee

Agency Success Roadmap On-Demand
This is Not a quick fix but it is the tools, resources and one on one coaching to move you faster down the road of success.
Our On-Demand Program consists of 12 courses (plus two bonus courses, so 14 total), 14 Workbooks, Over 75 Tools/Templates, 140 Micro Formatting Videos and One on One Coaching with Lee! This program is a Personal Guidance System for Agency Growth Plans. The Program designed to meet you where you are but not leave you there. It addresses and then tackles 12 of the biggest obstacles an Agency may come up against. Topics such as: How to handle Scope Creep or The perfect proposal, How to manage projects more efficiently and make prospect engagement flow better and become more natural.
Agency owner's time and resources are very valuable and need to be used wisely. The Courses, Workbooks, Templates and One on One Coaching in this On-Demand Program not only give you a layout and plan but also the tools and resources to accomplish your goals. Remember, "Time is Money" and with this program (done properly) you can speed up the growth of your agency along with have more time to do the things you love most - like family, friends and fun.
One on One Coaching
Speed up the Growth of Your Agency by YEARS not weeks!
When I Was Starting My First Agency, I Made So Many Mistakes And Wished So Much I Had Someone To Guide Me And Lead Me In The Right Direction. Just Help A Fella Out!
When I was building my agency, to my knowledge, there were no agency coaches. I had to come up with everything from scratch. I found mentors such as Clint Mask, Jay Conrad Levinson, and many more, but I had to figure out how to take what they were doing and apply it to the digital agency arena. It definitely was not easy! In reality, it is never simple to build a successful business but if you have the right tools, resources and the knowledge, it can be a thousand times easier.
I had some very serious limiting beliefs that kept me from asking for help. I felt like I had to do everything myself and no one could do it better than me. Like so many entrepreneurs, I wanted to make everything perfect! These limiting beliefs kept me from getting a mentor until about 10 years into it. Everyone has a story and their reason as to why they are who they are. We all have the roads that brought us here. Let me walk alongside you and make your trip a little less stressful than mine.
There is no substitute for experience and hard work. My One-on-One program is limited to 10 students at a time, we meet every week for 45 minutes to discuss strategic direction, implement new systems and processes, fine tune performance metrics, establish your product line, leadership structure, project management (service framework) roll out and so much more...
It all starts with agency health & wellness exam (if you are accepted) and a discovery coaching session to discuss the exam results and current state of your agency. Once we both have an intimate understanding of where your agencies maturation process is currently, we will isolate "your big 3". Your big 3 are the three items we will focus on to ensure maximum results during out time together.
In this program you direct one to one access to me personally (cell phone #). You receive my on-demand program, over 75 tools, & templates, access to my contact list and over 20 years of proven success in your corner the minute you are accepted into the program.