[PODCAST] Say Gabriel – 5 Point Content Framework for Agencies

Let’s talk about the five-part framework. We all know we have to produce content but did you know there is a framework to production?  It can take forever to create good content, but it does not have to!

In today's episode I am talking with Say Gabriel, she owns a content creation agency and has developed a five part content framework for agencies that will blow your mind! This framework helps you create content for your agency that's going to drive quality valuable leads without spending a ton of time doing it. I have learned a lot from Say and I think you will as well in this episode.

Say has been writing copywrite in one form or another for over 16 years. She actually wanted to be a novelist. She wanted to write books that would change lives. Her belief was that if she could change even one person's life, through her writing, she  would call her life a success and her work a success. Well, fast forward a few decades, and you will see she became a little bit more ambitious. She moved away from writing novels and went into  content writing -- Hear about her journey.

Takeaways From This Episode:

  • five part content framework for agencies.
  • Having a higher purpose in life.
  • reference material that literally every single agency or every single small business should have.
  • A channel is your medium. The rhythm is the rate of release.
  • A single channel can become many channels without growing the work.  

Having A Higher Purpose In Life

Having a higher purpose in life is what drives Say; she talks about writing for value, not just for money. And you know, if you can find  your higher purpose the money will follow. What is your purpose?

Let’s talk about the five part framework. We all know we have to produce content but did you know there is a framework to production?  It can take forever to create good content, but it does not have to.

The Five-Part Framework:

  1. Have your reference material ready
  2. Pick an anchor channel and a bass rhythm
  3. That’s your work
  4. Leverage your team
  5. Repurpose content across multiple platforms

Say guarantees if you follow these five steps, you will be able to write and produce value content for your audience!

Reference Material That Literally Every Single Agency Or Every Single Small Business Should Have.

Start off with number one, have your reference material ready. Say gives two or three things that if every agency owner knew right now it would help them have more creative ideas or get started creating the content a lot faster. Overall, it is more about efficiency than speed. So if you're super busy and do not have a lot of time in your week, you can still be honoring your regular rhythm of content and providing great value. That is the goal of this framework. 

There are some basic pieces of reference material that literally every single agency or every single small business should have. First one is an avatar or a persona. So this is basically a representation of who your audience is, what their problems are, and how you help them. This humanizes your audience and makes your focus more specific.

Second one, is what we call our marketing engine. This is a path that tells you to run with that piece of content. How are they actually moving through your funnel or your process or whatever, to engage with you in some way?  Basically, something that measures out right your leads and remember, the whole point of this is not just random leads, but to get people who have a problem you can solve. Important to know - before you start writing the content know who and what the hell you are writing the content for:)

A little side note here.

This is something you should also know, give more away rather than less. 

You have heard the saying “action speak louder than words”, well it is so true! If you show people how you're doing, show people how to thrive, show people how to succeed, they will be twice as eager to come back to you after they tried it. 

Pick an anchor channel and a bass rhythm

That takes us to number two, picking anchor channel and bass rhythm. Now what is an anchor channel and bass rhythm? A channel is basically your medium. The rhythm is basically the rate of release. When you're picking your rhythm, I would strongly suggest picking a slower rhythm over a faster rhythm to start. I strongly recommend that as opposed to stopping, but at the same time, consistency over quantity. People are creatures of habit; if you can pick an anchor channel and a bass rhythm that you can commit to, then that will  be your nucleus, the starting point for all the others. 

That’s your work

Number three is, batch your work.Meaning set up how you use your channels. Lee and Say both use podcasts. Lee does all of his podcast in one day, Say spreads hers out. Listen to how they set up their batches differently but they both work.

Leverage your team

Number four is, Leverage your team - if you have a team - definitely leverage their skills first, because this is their field of expertise. The hundred percent of what they are doing is definitely a hell of a lot better than the 20% you are doing.Take a hard look at yourself, and then take a hard look at your employees person. Lee talks about how it is probably 100% the owners fault every single time no matter there is a communication gap. That is what you sign up for it. If you don't like hearing what I'm saying right here, you probably are not cut out to be a business owner, there is 100% at all times the business owner's fault, because you hired them.

In most cases,employees are accustomed to walking into a job, and it's mapped out for them. They are expecting a  system or a box- they are not entrepreneurs. If you do not give them a box to play in they will not succeed but if you give them the right box, they will do better and they will astonish you. Do not expect them to learn an entire industry or you will be sadly disappointed. And if that employee turns out not to be a good fit, that is also your responsibility. Complaining behind the scenes does no good. Set up the resources so you have a  better screening system for the next hire.

repurpose content across multiple platforms

Number five is to repurpose content across multiple platforms. Whatever your anchor channel is - it can almost certainly be repurposed. A single channel can become many channels without doubling or tripling or exponentially growing the work.  Now the other piece of this is actually sharing your content more than you would expect or think. So what that means is that if you think every single person is reading every single thing you post on social media and clicking every link, you are misled. People have a lot of stuff going on, maybe they scroll and see something they want to click on later or maybe they don't see it at all. So you can actually repurpose your content not just across multiple platforms, but on the same platforms more than once when it's relevant after it's been a certain amount of time. People’s mindset changes. What you do may be important to them at different times.Hear all the different ways to repurpose your content.Get it out there and repurpose it 1000 times.

shameless plug moment

If you're just interested in anything that we've talked about, and you're curious about just you have questions, you know, you're interested in digging in a little bit deeper. Feel free to email Say personally. Say@anansicontent.com

We work primarily with digital agency leaders who are having problems with content, especially their content process. Our five part framework for  business works basically on the initial foundation strategy and messaging anchors, some foundation copy, and then we  actually build out a whole growth strategy as well.

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Lee Goff

Hyper focused on serving digital agency owners grow, scale, and enjoy their digital marketing agencies. It is hard to grow a digital agency unless you have the right tools and guidance.
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