How to Get More Leads for Your Agency from LinkedIn (for free!)

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Even if you think LinkedIn isn’t for you, I’m here to tell you it is. LinkedIn is where people go to do business, grow networks, and improve themselves.It also has an audience of half a billion users and that number is only growing. Bonus, 45% of those users are decision makers, aka the qualified leads you need. So again, if you think LinkedIn isn’t for you chances are you just don’t how to use it properly.

The only way to have success with LinkedIn is to work it every single day. You can’t spend 6 hours on it then forget about it for a month. Log on every day and spend 30 minutes to an hour updating, connecting, posting, and engaging then you will reap the benefits. Let’s get a closer look at each of those topics.

Digital agency leads

You want to make sure everything on your profile is current, relevant, and appealing to your target audience. This includes having an optimized profile by filling out all of the available fields and providing as much information as possible. Poorly optimized profiles are more likely to be flagged as spam. Having a robust profile is especially crucial if you plan on trying to connect with strangers. If someone doesn’t know who you are they’re going to decide to accept or decline your invite based solely on your profile, so it needs to be convincing.

One of the best ways to connect with leads is to go out and reach them first. One of the best parts about LinkedIn is how granular their search allows you to get. You can filter results by title, location, industry, and more.Sales Navigator and LinkedIn premium allow you to take this searching to the next level, but they’re not required to be successful.

These detailed results allow you to find incredibly qualified leads at the click of a button. Once you start to find these people simply send them an invite to connect. But be sure to include a personalized message, this lets them know you’re human and not a bot. You want to aim for a minimum 40% acceptance rate (although it should be even higher than that) because anything lower coupled with a few spam complaints could lead to a suspended account. As people start to accept your invites you can send longer messages to establish a relationship.

You should post something, somewhere, every day. Do something to put yourself in front of new leads that establishes you as an industry leader. Continuously offering valuable information to prospects will help you build credibility. 

Continuously offering valuable information to prospects will help you build credibility.

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Posting will get you right in front of all of those leads you’ve been connecting with. Frequency is important here because with so many users on LinkedIn it’s easy for your post to get lost in the shuffle. Posting every day will improve your chances of actually getting seen, try:

  • Writing an article
  • Updating your status
  • Posting in groups
  • Giving advice
  • Sharing a photo

(RELATED: You don’t really have to post every day, automation can do that for you. Learn more about our Marketing Automation online course.)

This is one of the key reasons you can’t get on LinkedIn for 6 hours then come back in a month. To be successful on LinkedIn you must join (or start!) conversations, build relationships, and truly connect. This means tagging people in posts, responding to comments, liking and sharing articles, and reaching out. Reaching out is really the key actions here. When you first connect with a lead you should send them a message, but don’t dive right off into a sales pitch or you will scare them off. Neil Patel recommends sending 5-6 messages before asking for a phone call or anything that alludes to a sale.

So what do you talk about in all of those messages? Anything engaging! Thank them for connecting, invite them to a group, send them resources or relevant materials, comment on something you saw on their profile, etc. The goal is to build rapport and get them involved in a conversation. Once you have accomplished that you can propose a sale, phone call, consultation, or meeting and they will be much more receptive.


So there you have it! The best way to get more leads off of LinkedIn is to simply set aside time to work it. If you consistently update, connect, post, and engage you will harvest more leads without spending a dime.

(NOTE: If you want to learn even more ways to get leads for your digital agency, click here to learn about our Lead Harvesting online course. In this training, you’ll get a lead magnet creation guide, lead magnet analysis, informative videos, and more.)

Lee Goff

Hyper focused on serving digital agency owners grow, scale, and enjoy their digital marketing agencies. It is hard to grow a digital agency unless you have the right tools and guidance.

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