[PODCAST] – Chris Orimiston – How to Leverage Social Media to get New Clients!

Hear Chris Orimistion's perfected SEO implementation strategies proven to rank the most competitive keywords pretty much anywhere in the world. 

Chris specializes in cutting edge digital marketing solutions. He is sought after by presidents of the United States, senators, congressmen, pretty much every damn body! He also works with leaders of countries around the world to introduce advanced marketing technologies to build their populations, their businesses and more!

In today’s episode, Chris demonstrates his expertise and shows how time and time again he competes with big names. Listen and learn - What an incredible story!

Takeaways From This Episode:

  • Chris’ Story... Worked with Google, Nike, Virgin...and more! 
  • Making the hard business decisions even when they may not make sense at the time.
  • So Let's Get Real Here Because Social Media Is An Old Dog.
  • How do agencies use social media to get more clients for themselves?
  • Learn About socialoxygen.io

Chris’ Story...Worked with Google, Nike, Virgin...and more!

Chris Orimiston, with more than a decade of experience in software program, web development, direct sales, SEO, basically global domination, has perfected SEO implementation strategies and has proven to rank the most competitive keywords you can find out there pretty much anywhere in the world. 

Chris has demonstrated his expertise time and time again with big names. He has worked with Nike Virgin, Sony, Coleman, Coca Cola …I would be here all day if I listed everything he has done. You name it, this guy has done it - It's crazy.

Not only is Chris brilliant and very successful, he is helping the community and giving to others. He's working with FEMA right now to help bring in a lot of supplies by working on distributing millions of the N95 mask!

Hearing his story, his background and his advice will get you ready to take it to the next level!

Chris Gets A Call From A Company Called Google!

His company was doing SEO before SEO was really even a term. He didn't even know what to call it... it was like working on the internet, right? And so then they get a call! Chris was sitting there working one day and gets this call from this company called Google. He specifically remembers putting his hand over the phone and asking his business partner, "Hey, have you ever heard of a company called Google? He's answered no and then said, What a dumb name!!

Chris tells everything they learned from Google and how that plays into what he is doing now. Being in the beginning of Google starting up has huge benefits.

Making The Hard Business Decisions Even When They May Not Make Sense At The Time!

Chris talks about his company making a massive shift. He describes SEO as being in his blood; he talks about his DNA as SEO.  But even though he loved it, there was not enough money in SEO to sustain their company. They had to make a tough decision but from this difficult decision, they came up with Social Oxygen Software. They figured out that they needed to rewrite software to do all the mundane, laborious time consuming things and social media, so that they could make a profit center for their company instead of a profit suck for their company. Not only did they have a mind shift regarding SEO, they also went to a virtual office! Shutting down their office in Scottsdale was one of their best decisions. By making this massive shift, he saved his company and saved jobs. 

Social Media Is An Old Dog But Necessary.

Social Media doesn't necessarily bring in sales the way we think, but people love it! People need social media.It is old school and is the relationship starter. Business owners feel guilty about their social media. It actually keeps them up at night, worrying about social media but for what reason? It is just ingrained in business owners that they need it but should not keep them up at night.

It is important to have your social media in order. For instance, you're walking into a store, and it's all in disarray; that is your first impression, you are going to turn around and walk out, right. This is why business owners worry about social media,it's their first introduction to new people and great to way nurture their existing clients. People are checking out your social media.They will check you out, but there is a way to control that old dog.

Tips And Tricks For Agents And Socialoxygen.io

Chris and his team refined expertise successfully brought home the online marketing and sales of these top branded companies and took it to a whole new level. Chris's latest venture is into the social media world with his platform called social oxygen. It's been out for a couple of years now, this platform is built from the ground up for agencies to become more profitable, more stable, and most importantly, help you get as many clients as you can handle without going broke or spending a fortune doing it.

Basically, Chris built an automated platform that gets your foot in the door! It is inexpensive, literally, costs you very very little!Their team writes the content, schedules the content, sets up templates that are based on artificial intelligence. They legit hired an AI expert to come in for three months and paid him a ton of money to analyze all the results, all the engagements to find out when people are engaged and then they built that schedule based on engagement times.Their system is unbelievable!

How can agencies out there use social media to get more clients for themselves?

What Socialoxygen.io does is use social media as a foot in the door strategy, because now that it's so inexpensive, literally, it can cost you like, around $50 -$75 a month!  and they write all your content for you.

They have 15 writers right now that love what they do. Some of them are journalists who travel around the country. Some pretty cool high level people, they know how to write social media. Almost all they need to do is point them in the right direction and boom, off they go. So, literally for like 50 or 60 bucks, they can have this full on $500 campaign. 

Basically, they build this as an automated platform. So you don't have to do hardly anything! There's a little bit of negotiation and stuff that they need to do but literally their team writes the content, schedules the content, sets up templates that are based on artificial intelligence. They legit hired an AI expert to come in for three months and paid him a gob of money to analyze all the results in all the engagements to find out when people engaged the most that they scheduled and then built their schedules based on engagement times.Literally, you just have to go through a little wizard to answer a few questions and boom, your campaign is built for you ready to go and you are completely automated. That's how you make money because you don't spend time on.


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Lee Goff

Hyper focused on serving digital agency owners grow, scale, and enjoy their digital marketing agencies. It is hard to grow a digital agency unless you have the right tools and guidance.
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